With interest rates at an all-time low now is the time to start looking at what your current lender is doing for YOU! We have access to over 30 lenders and can help you to find the right loan for you. Some lenders are currently offering cash incentives to refinance* this can be the “icing on the cake”, not only getting a great rate, but also some cash too! The motivation to refinance is different for everyone. You may be looking to fund another investment, your financial circumstances may have changed, or if you’re lucky, you may have found a more appropriate rate.
Whatever the reason, there are a lot of factors to consider before you make a change. Whether you’re chasing a better interest rate, consolidating all debts or equity access to renovate, make sure you’ve done your homework and seek professional advice to see if it’s the right choice for you.
Once you’ve made the decision to refinance, it is imperative to thoroughly consider all the options available to you, to ensure that it is a worthwhile process to undergo. With the competitiveness of the market, there are constantly offers available that cater to all purposes of refinancing. Call Your Mortgage Coach to do a quick home loan health check. This is totally obligation free! We’ll review your current facility and offer suggestions that may assist in reducing your home loan interest cost.